Why EKNOW M&A Tools?

10 Decisive Advantages


The most mature

It was EKNOW who, in 1998, created the web-based M&A software category – the first by several years.

Now boasting over 25 years of continuous development, EKNOW's M&A Tools are by far the most mature, refined, and fit-for-purpose available.


The most complete

By any objective measure, M&A Tools is the most complete toolkit of its kind.

And not by a little. EKNOW includes tools for any stage of corporate development or M&A, and virtually any audience or function.

For rank-and-file to executive governance. For acquirers or advisors. Buyers or sellers. Management consultants and clients. For virtually any M&A-related information, workflow, or metric.

Tools & Workspaces...

The most modular & flexible

Balancing the sheer depth of M&A Tools is its uniquely modular design. It allows your own M&A Tools to be as simple and accessible as possible.

Start by enabling only the tool(s) that match your immediate priorities. Later, enable additional, fully integrated capabilities – at no additional cost – if and when needed. Unneeded functionality remains completely invisible.

Only EKNOW M&A Tools provides this critical flexibility. With bundled support to take full advantage of the possibilities.

Tools & Workspaces...

The most scalable – up or down

Thanks to architectural advances M&A Tools is now performant for even very large groups and data sets.

More importantly, M&A Tools is also scalable in functional depth, breadth, and interface simplicity.

In real-time. Without coding.

EKNOW's functional and UI scalability is what ensures that your M&A Tools can be as simple or powerful as needed, for each of your audiences.


The easiest to customize

M&A Tools can be deployed out-of-the-box for any function.

But from there, you can make your M&A Tools work exactly the way your organization works.

Fine-tune around the edges. Or fully customize to unique requirements. Both initially, and over time.

In real-time. Without coding. Without restarting your system. Always with help from your EKNOW team.

No other M&A platform is remotely as configurable, as easily, or as quickly, as EKNOW M&A Tools.

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The best fit for enterprise

The entire M&A Tools platform, support model, business model, and pricing, are exquisitely tailored to EKNOW's client profile:

(a) Large, globally distributed M&A functions

(b) Challenges of coordination, complexity and scale

(c) Organization- or industry-specific requirements

(d) Prioritize high expertise, support, and flexibility

Every facet of EKNOW – from the no-exceptions flat enterprise pricing, to the flexible M&A Objects architecture, and more – is clearly shaped by 25+ years of enterprise specialization.

For large to very large enterprises, EKNOW's extreme fit to purpose presents an obvious choice.

The benefits of EKNOW's specialization are now accessible even to many mid-sized organizations, via the Team and Business tier support bundles.


The best single-source-of-truth

Only EKNOW truly integrates every M&A facet under your mandate.

As a result, "connecting the dots" becomes trivial. The source of delays and exceptions are no longer a mystery. Duplicative status and data entry is almost impossible.

In M&A Tools, enjoy built-in real-time links between all reports, deals, teams, data, documents and actions. All while securely compartmentalizing access by project, activity and user role.

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The most future-proof

Whatever your mission today, only EKNOW M&A Tools keeps so many avenues open to you tomorrow.

M&A Tools are the most comprehensive available. Yet new M&A Tools functionality is developed every year, year-in, year-out.

M&A Tools' combination of depth, modularity, configurability, API, and pace of development, is the ultimate in future-proofing.


The best support bundle

EKNOW provides M&A Tools exclusively as a complete bundle of initial configuration and deployment support, ongoing high-level support, and unlimited tech support.

High-level support means one-on-one guidance, hands-on collaboration, training, data migration, configuration, customization, IT coordination and other assistance, on a monthly basis.

No bundled support or overage is ever billable.

Support Bundles

The easiest to buy

M&A Tools are provided exclusively as a complete bundle: M&A Tools software, dedicated systems, administration, and comprehensive support, both initially and ongoing, for the life of your EKNOW relationship.

Each of the four EKNOW bundles is priced at a single annual enterprise fee, appropriate for the smallest to largest M&A or corporate development organizations.

And that's it. There are no set-up fees. No per-user fees. No storage fees, support fees, professional services fees, paid options, or other hidden fees of any kind.

How to Buy