Feature Highlights

Collaboration & Productivity

Email power

Email to and from your own standards-based email clients like Outlook, Gmail, and Apple Mail.

Email new updates and data directly to your projects in M&A Tools. Or include your project as a "CC" or "BCC" in correspondence.

Drag and drop previous emails onto projects. Attach email to target companies, deals, contacts and more.

Within M&A tools, add posts to discussion boards with email to selected recipients.

Respond right from your email app, to add new posts to the discussion.

Collaboration boards

Discussion & collaboration boards power every project, team, and actionable item.

Update status. Add key documents with commentary. Automatically email selected recipients.

Post comments, ask a question, or respond. Request or grant approvals. Request or schedule follow-up action.

Add meeting notes, or attach files to be shared in the discussion.

Document features

Securely manage deal documents, diligence data, working documents, and file attachments in every M&A stage and context.

Drag and drop. Preview in-line. Search on metadata, text content, and more. Upload/download zip archives.

All files are intelligently and automatically access controlled, audit logged, and malware scanned.

Sharing features

M&A Tools is packed with useful data. But at times we need to share just a single page, dashboard, view, or data item with a colleague.

M&A Tools allows secure sharing of live links to virtually any resource, via the Share button in the tool bar.

Email the shared link manually, or use the system itself to distribute via scheduled alert. Or incorporate the shared links in your intranet, shared drive, MS Teams group, etc.

Of course, each time a shared link is used, M&A Tools will verify and enforce the user's current access permissions.

Project Templates

M&A Tools allows you to institutionalize knowledge and practices via Project Templates. Create templates of deal types and their playbooks, diligence checklists, integration plans, and more.

At the appropriate deal stage, copy a template deal playbook or due diligence into your project. Alternatively, create a new deal project by copying an entire deal type template at the start.

Easily create, duplicate, or modify templates right in M&A Tools. Import entirely new template data via .xls formats.

Start simple. Over time, extend and update your templates with lessons learned. Your templates will become an increasingly valuable asset.

Filter & search

Whether projects, documents, or other data, use the powerful EKNOW search tools.

Search on any combination of metadata, content, context, or association. Sort the results by any combination of attributes.

Save any search parameters as personal filter shortcuts, for 1-click results.

Universal import & export

Use the ubiquitous M&A Tools Import Template tab to import virtually every data type. Export or output almost any data type as .XLS or .PDF. Import via drag-and-drop. Mass upload new data, and updates to existing data.

Upload documents and file archives en masse. Access-controlled download of any file, and mass-download any collection of files as a .zip archive. All uploads, downloads, and file versions are logged and auditable.