Feature Highlights

Data Features

Industrial-strength access control

Out of the box, M&A Tools ensures that only users with the "right" relationships to M&A data are able to access it. Of course, you can further tailor access to match your own requirements.

No other M&A platform – and few enterprise solutions generally – can offer the M&A mission-fit, default simplicity, and depth of configurability of EKNOW's access control framework.

Industrial-strength audit trails

M&A Tools thoroughly logs and reports user and data events: User and API accesses, report visits, data modifications, document events and much, much more.

Administrators can view the audit trail of any user or data item in a single click. Users can leverage the same information incorporated in user-friendly productivity features. Contact EKNOW for a live demonstration.

Industrial strength data retention

M&A Tools directly supports your data retention policies. Use M&A Tools ensure systematic, safe, and secure purging of expired data and documents based on your own rules.

Industrial strength import / export

Use the ubiquitous M&A Tools Import Template tab to export or import virtually every data type. Import via drag-and-drop. Export or output almost any data type as .XLS or .PDF. Mass upload new data, updates to existing data, documents and file archives, and more.

Industrial strength EKNOW API

JSON REST API, documentation, and one-on-one support.

Securely push or pull data directly to / from your EKNOW M&A Tools.

Integrate your data lake, or individual IT, BI, HR, Compliance, CRM, reporting and other systems.

Create unlimited API “users” or interfaces, with advanced access control of each.